4 More Investing Mistakes to
Wealth Building Tips to Help Your Portfolio
The key to building wealth lies not in making
brilliant allocation decisions, but rather in avoiding large
mistakes. These four additional investing mistakes are among the
most common committed every day. This article is a sequel to
Four Investing Mistakes to Avoid: Becoming Your Portfolio's
Worst Enemy.
1. Overpaying for Investments
The price you pay for an investment is the absolute determinant
of your return. An investor should never ask, “is company XYZ a
good investment”. Instead, he should ask, “is company XYZ a good
investment at this price .
2. Overpaying for Investment Services
Unless there is a legitimate reason you require a full-service
broker, you should opt for a significantly less expensive
discount broker such as Charles Schwab, E-Trade, Ameritrade or
Brown & Co.
3. Extrapolating Current-Year Earnings into
Future Periods to Determine Value
Benjamin Graham warned that the hindrance to successful
investing did not lie so much in overpaying for good companies
(which is a very real performance-damper nonetheless),
but rather in overpaying for mediocre companies based on current
year earnings that may be the result of a booming economy or a
cyclical upswing. To guard against this pit fall, he recommended
using average earnings.
4. Discounting Index Funds
Only a small, minute percentage of professional money managers
have been able to beat the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial
Average consistently over the course of many, many years.
Despite relatively high compensation, extremely bright
individuals and rooms full of math whizzes performing market
analysis, the “dumb”, unmanaged portfolios of the S&P and Dow
manage to trounce the competition nearly every time.
Investors who are privy to this information
and have no ambition to become a master at security or financial
statement analysis would be well served to set up a dollar-cost
averaging plan into a low-cost index fund such as Vanguard over
the span of a decade or more. Judging by past statistical
evidence, this investor will most likely trounce a significant
majority of his competitors. Wealth building aside, the index
investor is also free to ignore short-term market gyrations,
portfolio reallocations and individual investing decisions
freeing up a significant amount of time for the things that
really matter. |