If you want to get the best deal in short mortgages, you must work on proper planning and follow an effective strategy. Otherwise, you may end up paying long penalties for your short mortgages. You must take extra care when deciding about the period of the short mortgage and the amount and other terms of your installment. However, if you keep in mind the following things, it will certainly help you reach the right decision. Work Directly With Your Mortgage Company Never do any thing that makes you ethically disoriented. For example, it is not recommended that you give it to a third party other than your mortgage company.
You must work directly with your mortgage company. Time Period on Loan Repayment It is always prudent for you to go for the longest time period on loan repayment. It is the safest way to avoid being caught in any unpleasant financial situation. For example, it is better to go for a 20-year installment repayment than 10 years because it will make the amount of your installment much less, than you need to pay for 10 years. However, you might feel that overall, you will have to pay a much larger amount.
You are right but there is another way to deal with that. You should go for the longest time period for your loan repayment, but keep your option open to repay the full loan amount in the middle of the period, say for example 5 years or 8 years or even 10 years. This way, you provide yourself a security against the uncertainty of time and business. This is a time and tested strategy for short mortgages with no long penalties. In fact, there are certain other advantages also, if you go for the longer time period. For example, it will make the property less desirable and it is unlikely anybody will use the same buying plan.
The buyers may find the payments too high. Higher installments, also affect the cash flow of the property, if it becomes a rental property, and thus its resulting value decreases. Never commit for a shorter time period for repayment, but make an intention to repay the same as early as possible. Take Larger Loans and Invest In Higher Rates One of the best strategies for short mortgages is to take much larger loans against your property, and then invest the cash on higher interest rates provided by various real estate papers. It is the safest way and it can build huge wealth for you.
In the long run, you may end up tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars ahead.
David Gass is President of Business Credit Services, Inc. His company publishes a free weekly e-newsletter on Small Business Consulting at their web site http://www.smallbusinessconsulting.com